http://scan0001[1].jpg NewhouseNewz: Today is Sunday

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Today is Sunday

We had a wonderful day at church and our cups were filled. We are so blessed and we try hard to remember that.

Tom's first full day at home was an adjustment period. He is very uncomfortable with the drain lines in and they are doing their jobs. I know Tom will sleep much better with them removed. His face has continued to swell and he is very uncomfortable. He has very limited movement with both top and bottom lips on his right side. Also, at this time, he has no ability to raise his forehead on the right side. We know that the swelling plays a big part in that and we continue to count our blessings. A family from Kentuckey that we met and shared our day with last Thursday is facing a very hard trial. Marcy's husband has a brain tumor. They will be traveling home tomorrow and we pray for their safe travel and the healing hands of our Lord to be with them all the way.

We are also saddend to hear today that a sweet family, Ben and Becky Powell, lost their 16 month old son yesterday. We have been praying for Ethan for over a year and they have been at St. Judes since Ethan was 2 months old. Many thousands of people have been praying for Ethan and we all still BeLIeVe. God's timing is not always our timing but the Lord knows the answers.

My father, Lonnie, starts his second round of chemo tomorrow. Please pray that both our dads continue to get stronger and remain strong through out these ordeals.

I will update tomorrow after Tom returns from MDAnderson. Pray that Tom and Bev will get some sleep tonight.

I am still thinking of you, Fran, and pray you have a peaceful nights rest as well. All my Love!!

Good Night Everyone,



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