http://scan0001[1].jpg NewhouseNewz: Today is Run-off Election Day

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Today is Run-off Election Day

Good Morning,

Today is Tuesday and it is run-off election day for Texas. We have a dear friend in the run-off so I will be leaving to go and "work the polls" today. Scott Golemon, we are praying for you!!!

Amy took Tom and Bev to the doctor yesterday. Only one drain line was removed. It is the one behind his ear. I believe he will sleep better with that particular one gone. It is very difficult to only sleep on one side of your head. In a few days, they will return to have every other stitch removed and some staples. Hopefully, they will remove the additional drain line then as well. The head and neck surgeon restated how pleased he was with Tom's outcome. He said that it was the most difficult surgery he has ever done and that he considered it an honor to have been there. There were probably 5 surgeons in the OR that day. Tom will not regain the ability to raise his eyebrow/forehead on the right side. If it becomes a problem, there are procedures to do that will help with the position of his eyebrow. With therapy and healing, the use of his top and bottom lips on the right side may get better. He is able to move them now but the swelling is VERY great right now and very uncomfortable. His right eye is also very swollen. Some family have seen a picture, so multiply that by 4 or 5 times. That picture was taken the day after surgery and it had not been a complete 24 hours post surgery. The surgeon restated how terrible melenoma is and why they had to be so aggresive in their search for the terrible cancer. It could have easiliy been hiding in a small place on his face and they wanted to check everywhere. Beverly is completely exhausted and will not rest when he rests. You know, it's the mother thing!! Please continue to pray for them both.

My dad went yesterday for his second round of chemo. He has ecome sensitive to cold drinks. He said that it is like putting your tongue to a 9 volt battery and that tingle is all over your mouth and down your throat. The doctors also stated that during cold weather, you will also notice the change when you touch a car door handle. The sensitivity will affect your whole body in different ways. They took blood work yesterday and we will know the results later.

Taylor went to UIL Choir competition last Friday. All the choirs were awarded "Sweepstakes" from our high school. That means they achieved a Division I in Performance and a Division I in Sightreading. We are very proud of her hard work. Shelby competed in the Top Hands Horse Show for children with disabilities at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. She received a 2nd place trophey in English Equitation and a 6th place trophey in Western Equitition. She also competed in Trail but we are waiting to receive that award. It has rained every Tuesday since the rodeo and we have not gone to the barn. All my girls competed in Leadership Training for Christ over Easter weekend. Taylor and Kendall did Bible Bowl. They have been studying I Samuel. They did great and we always have a great time. Taylor did Intermediate Interpreting and she had to interpret a 4 minute communion prayer. She did awesome. Shelby competed in Small Chorus and equally did awesome. Kendall overall did 5 or 6 events. We are happy it is over for this year and our Sunday's can get back to normal. OK, I think that is enough bragging for now. heehee!!

Pray for me as I move closer to a mediation date with our school district over educational issues with Shelby. It is scheduled for April 25, 2008.

More updates to follow,

Have an awesome day, and Praise the Lord and all things!!!



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