http://scan0001[1].jpg NewhouseNewz: Day 3 - Thursday

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Day 3 - Thursday

I went home for the first time last night and Mike stayed with Shelby. I didn't get home until around 9:30 and finally got to bed around 11:00. Boy, that night flew by. It was so good to see and love on Taylor and Kendall. Of course, Taylor stayed up way too late wanting to hear everything about Shelby. What an angle. Shelby had a better night because she could not throw up anymore. All the nurses were to do was just turn every 2 hours or so and do vitals only 2 instead of three times. Mike said she had several bouts with muscle spasms and pain, but he was instructed to 'push the button' on her PCA pump. This morning I called at about 7 and she sounded so much better. She had just woken up and she had a little strength in her voice. About 45 minutes later she called me and her voice was very weak and she said, "Mom, guess what I'm doing?" To my surprise she said she was sitting in the chair beside her bed with a pillow behind her back. She made it to about 7 or 8 minutes. Just long enough for the ladies to change her bed and freshen her up. A few hours later she asked her daddy to sit up again, and she did. The surgery crew did rounds and her NG tube was retrieving mostly regular acids this morning and so they decided to clamp it off and try it without suction. Well, on the second time up, she threw up, therefore, back to the pump with suction. She was soooo mad. Her one goal today was to get that tube out of her nose. Since that didn't happen, she decided that she would sit up again at 5:30. We have started pushing her pump button every 6 minutes starting at 4:40. I hope we can make the experience a much nicer one. She really only needs to sit up 2 times today, but she is determined. You just gotta love her. She told me I had to stay tonight because her daddy tells too many jokes and they 'are not funny'. Mimi and Pa have been with her this afternoon and we have really appreciated that. Mike and I went to eat lunch together while she slept. I hope she has a really good night. Maybe she will get her tube out tomorrow night. There were no traces of blood today in her stomach. Praise God!! No scope tomorrow!!!! She will be NPO (no food or drink) until her small intestine wakes up. We will take each and every small step forward!!

Have a wonderful evening. Shelby's good friend Evin Van Dover had surgery today and they were in TCH Neo together when they were babies. Two girlfriends back together, too bad neither one knew. haha

Love to you all,



At 6:21 PM, January 26, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey shelby,
I'm glad to hear your feeling better and I hope that you get to get that tube out tomarrow. I miss you so much. I love lots and hope that your pain level has gone down some. I read your blog as many times a day as i can. When you get to feeling better call me.
Love You,

At 7:39 PM, January 26, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Iam glad to hear you are doing better.I hope get alot better soon so i can talk to you.God will be with you forever and ever.
Love always,

At 7:52 PM, January 26, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...


It's good to hear you are doing some better, we love you and pray for you often. Hang in there, you have the most awesome family, lots of love.
David,Gayle and Ryan Thornton

At 8:01 PM, January 26, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shelby & family!
Glad Shelby is sitting up and bless her heart she is trying very hard and so determined. With all that she'll get that tube out soon. Hope the pain will lighten up soon too. Kim glad you got some rest, you and the other family members need that. These few days are the hardest and require so much srength and patients and I pray for that for all of you. That just amazed me about her blood type, it almost gave me something to think about with Hayleigh and could of been a terrible thing for ya'll. Glad it was caught now.
I hope things only get better and easier for all of you with the days ahead. Shelby hang in there and continue to be the trooper that you are.
God Bless all of you,
Jeri-Lynne & family

At 8:26 PM, January 26, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dearest Newhouses!
We are all praying for you! We are so proud of Shelby's determination! We pray you get that icky tube out and your tummy wakes up! We LOVE you!
Bert, Manya, Travis, Curtis and Russell

At 8:45 PM, January 26, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shelby tell your Dad to quit crackin jokes! Amanda did the same to me, and it made our days and nights go by a whole lot smoother. Sitting up on day 3 is a big accomplishment and you should be very proud of it. Kim and Mike, be sure and alternate nights, you will need your rest. Call us if you need to talk. We are praying for Shelby daily.

At 8:54 PM, January 26, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Newhouses, I am so glad Shelby has improved so there will
be no scope. I am praying for your
continued improvement everyday. I hope you're taking care of yourselves. Let me know if I can do anything. You have my numbers.
It's been awhile since we've been to texas you all,
Raelon , Mort Morris

At 7:50 AM, January 27, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Shelby - You are so amazing!!! It's no surprise to hear that you are so determined. It is that determination, which is God's Spirit in you, that will get you through this. You are fighting such a difficult battle right now, but apparently it's no match for you! Keep up the hard work - God is right there with you, and He is your biggest cheerleader. We are lifting you up in prayer all day long. We love you!

The Williams'

At 8:07 AM, January 27, 2006, Blogger Jim Hughes said...

Newhouses -
Thankful to read that things are getting better! Eloise and I were talking to Sara about you last night, and I think it made her feel old!

At 10:19 AM, January 27, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great big hugs and kisses to you and your family. You are being held in God's hands so all will be well. Our prayers are with you.

Lots of love,

PS Is your mother still rocking you a million miles? I know she is. Take care.

At 2:42 PM, January 27, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Shelby, Kim and Mike,

I'm so glad to hear you're doing better. Elena and Mitchell have been praying for you too. I hope the tube comes out soon and you get home soon after that.

We love you,

Kevin, Deirdre, Elena and Mitchell

At 2:54 PM, January 27, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Bless your heart... My mother used to tell me during rough times, "This too shall pass." It is a powerful mantra that I find myself leaning on when things are hard in my life - even to this day and I am as old as your mom! Grin. Keep looking for the bright side and KNOW that you are dearly loved. If we could take this pain from you and shoulder it oursleves, we really would.

Love, John Burton

At 3:50 PM, January 27, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Shelby,
I am so glad to be able to catch your progress. You are such a trooper, honey. I am also very happy to hear your are doing better. Bless your little heart.
Ilook forward to the day we can talk again. Loads of Love to you.
Ms. Cacicio


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