http://scan0001[1].jpg NewhouseNewz: Day 19

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Day 19

Happy Saturday Everyone,

I got to get out for several hours today and ended up at lunch by myself, so I called Katherine and Dwight (who had already had lunch) and they joined me to visit, then Amy Winters and Claire joined us. I really felt like civilization had returned. You must know that we were at Chuy's. I brought Shelby some 'Creamy Jalapeno' (her all time favorite).

I called Dr. Hanson's office Friday with several questions. His office did confirm that our appointment was moved from Thursday to Tuesday at 2:00 pm. I was so happy that Mike will be able to go with me. He did refill pain meds and the final thing was on Thursday evening I was laying Shelby down and her back popped really loud. I do not think that we broke a screw, but she was in a lot of pain and all I could think about was splitting a bone. Her bone density is low and the screws are about 4 inches long. She complained of it hurting when she took a breath and her back was very sensitive in that spot. I gave her Valium, that we use for muscle spasms, and realized that was what was making her wide awake and talking until 3:30 in the morning in the hospital. Unfortunately, this medication has a reverse affect on her, most people relax and rest, but NOOO not Shelby.

Her back looks better and the incision has not opened any more. The anitbiotic is working, but it is making her stomach very sensitive. We are thankful to have Zofran for the nausea. If we were to change antibiotics, the next choice would be a 'sulfa' based drug and she is allergic to that class of medications. So onward we go, daily!

Shelby is enjoying the Olympics on her new tv in HD. We are crowding into her room so we can all watch. Her 'Grand' (dad) would be very happy to know that.

Our sweet friend, Kris, is home. Her revision was almost exactly what Shelby had done. I was told that Kris was not physically strong enough for the complexitiy of the second surgery the first time. (Did that make sense to you?) Her recovery will begin again, but this time her pelvis has mended and she will hopfully be stronger. We love you Kris and are praying for you with all our effort. We love your family and all those helping in carring for your family and you!!

Keep the faith, we will keep you posted.

In Him,



At 11:21 PM, February 12, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Foo Duck, Me Mark and Matthew were in your neck of the woods today and almost came by. Thought it might be too much too soon so we will try again another time. You all are never far from my thoughts and prayers. Your Christmas card in still up on display in the kitchen. Have been on te road alot lately and if not that then working my Mary Kay business which is going GREAT. I love you guys lots and send hugs and kisses. Josie

At 7:51 PM, February 13, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey gals! Tomorrow is Sweetheart day-hope everybody is being nice out there in the woods. Love you and glad to hear Miss Shelby is improving. Happy Valentines! We love you. Dena

At 5:31 PM, February 14, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...



At 9:04 PM, February 14, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work! Yesterday was my Mom and Dad's 12th Anniversary. You are a very strong girl. Happy Valintine's Day!!!!!!!!!
Love, Margaret


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