http://scan0001[1].jpg NewhouseNewz: Day 4 "And This Too Shall Pass"

Friday, January 27, 2006

Day 4 "And This Too Shall Pass"

Thanks John Burton,

Last night Shelby sat up at 5:30. She was in a chair beside her bed for about 25 minutes. Her pain management team decided to reduce her pump to 'on demand' and today they went to injections at 3 hours. She is still on Vallium for muscle spasms. She asked that she have her power chair brought up here from our home, so a wonderful friend, Irish, brought it in her accessible van. Irish is so smart that she knew to just leave the chair at the information booth and she did not have to wait on me and I could go downstairs at Shelby's convience. Thank you Irish. Well Shelby woke up after a very short night of rest. She wanted to "talk" all night. I finally told her that mom needed to get some rest after her, Shelby's, full body massage. She didn't want me to stop. (What a life, haha) Anyway, she was determined to get into that chair and roll out into the hall. Once in her chair, her stomach was upset again. I was afraid that would mean going back on the NG suction. She was reduced to 'gravity' then to clamped off. She was in her chair for 45 minutes. She was miserable! Once finally back into bed, she got more meds and a few hours of semi-rest. She has been complaining very much about her hands hurting where the IVs were. Her hands were swollen and had abrasions from the IV cathiters. I asked the nurse to move the IV and the day went down from there. After several sticks, it infilitrated. Then we spent hours, literally, trying to get a new line. Shelby was determined that she didn't need it and she could handle the pain (haha) (I was so proud of her) At the same time, we were working to try to have the NG tube removed. She has bowel sounds and the tube was REALLY irritating her throat. She continued to gag and cause herself much grief. We decided to have the abdominal X-Ray redone to determine if the illeus (sleeping bowel) had resolved itself. Once again, she had to lie on her back on the film in her bed to have this done. After much effort and crying, the tech double exposed the film with someone else's film. We get to do it again later tonight. Three nurses and many sticks later we needed a line for pain management and nutrition. Finally, the anesthesiologist that did her surgery and controls pain management walked in the door. I was thinking she had this certain aura around her head at that point!!! She got a line in pretty quick and 2 minutes later we had moraphine. Did I mention that we were WAY in the hole on pain medication. Shelby has cried for hours and I'm thinking she should sleep really well tonight. Of course, tonight is Mike's night and I get to drive home in the pouring rain. Doesn't sound right, does it? Taylor is going to "Girls' Reflecting Glory" at First Colony and Kendall will be at Aunt Amy and Uncle Matt's house this weekend. I just might sleep until noon tomorrow. (Not really)

OK you warriors, pray tonight without ceasing that Shelby will have an active bowel and the tube will come out. The IV will remain active for days and she can come off TPN and Lipids. She is off her heart monitors and pulse ox, (once you stop the moriphine drip.) Eating would be a GREAT thing to hope for, too.

Love you all,



At 6:30 PM, January 27, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

HI shelby,
I'm glad to here you're doing somewhat better. I miss you lots and hope that the ng tube can come out soon. I prey for you everyday. I can't wait until you come home. You will beat this pain and surgery like it was a bug on the wall. You are very strong and brave. The most important thing is your my friend and I love you so much. I can't wait to see and hear that you are doing better with minimial pain.
I love you lots, Stacy W.

At 7:35 PM, January 27, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Hang in there girl. We love you and you are in our prayers. We can't wait to see you and eat some more Chuy's.


Dwight, Katherine and the Kids

At 8:18 PM, January 27, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey y'all,
Sounds like some progress is being
made. I will keep praying that
that everything gets back on track.. I'm praying for your pain
to be kept up with the meds. Shelby
you are doing great. You are a great sports-lady. I'm proud of you.It's no fun being a pin cushion. Each day gets you closer
to feeling better. I sent you stickers. Maybe you can mark your
big moment milestones. LOve, Raelon

At 9:40 PM, January 27, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We all are thinking about you. We will be looking foward to see you soon. God loves you very, very much and so do I.
Love always,

At 11:28 PM, January 27, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shelby...and family...
It sounds like good news! Long recovery, but good news. Shelby, you're so anxious to be out of there, aren't you?
The more patient you are with recovery, the faster you'll get out of there. I'm sure you've been told that lots of times, but IT'S TRUE!!! Listen to us old folks, we do know a thing or two!
Truly, take it easy.
Love, Aunt Edna

At 7:39 AM, January 28, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...






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