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Thursday, May 18, 2006

The End of School is Near

Well Everyone,

We made it. School will be out in 6 days and I will have two Freshmen in High School and a Fourth grader. Tomorrow is Kendall's Field Day and Taylor and Shelby's Awards ceremony will be at 12:30. After that, decorating for the End of School Dance and all the exciting activities that will follow throughout the evening. Summer is filling up fast and the schedule has only a few available days for new activities. Taylor and Kendall will leave for Camp Tahkodah in Floral, Arkansas for 2 weeks on June 10. Mike and I can not believe that Kendall will be going and has never been away from home for more than a few days. She will have many friends there and our dear friends, Gary and Karen Keese, will be there on staff for that session. We will be traveling to Clarendon, Texas for the Newhouse Family Reunion on the weekend before the 4th of July.

Shelby has continued to recover very well. Her strength is amazing and she never complains. We are very concerned about her hips and her tight muscles in her legs. She will continue to need to 'tweek' her legs with her new back She is such a trooper!! We will probably be traveling to San Diego Childrens Hospital for a consult on her in the next month.

We are so appreciative of all the prayers, cards, food, and love you have offered up on our behalfs. Please know that we would love to have visitors. Come enjoy the sun and the pool.

All our Love,

Kim and Crew